A Mara Factory, igényes egyedi készítésű bútorokat, illusztrációkat, játékokat, és teljes gyerekszoba design-t nyújt elérhető áron. Budapesti és vidéki gyerekprogramokat ajánlunk, és gyermekfoglalkozásokat szervezünk.
Mara Factory was launched in August 2011. Its founders, Mariann Máray and Blanka Radnóti are
aiming at bringing a whole lot of colour into children's lives.
We graduated in MOME in 2009 and we've both been illustrating picture books ever since. But
colouring books was not enough for us, so we've decided to come up with our own brand of kid's
colourful furniture and accessories. We are offering high quality at a reasonable price.
We are making individually reused and redesigned children's furniture, picture books, colour books,
posters, paintings, wall-stickers, toys and all-inclusive design plans for children's rooms with
We also offer you and your children colourful programs in Budapest and soon we'll launch our art
classes for children. Our picture books, which will also be available in the near future, are written by
Adele Várszegi, as are the comments on our blog.
Caring for the environment is a must for us, so it is only natural that our products are made of recycled
and reused materials and coloured with environment friendly paint.
Individual pieces at a reasonable price.
Szuper volt a megnyitó, és köszönjük, hogy ilyen sokan eljöttetek! Lesznek majd fotók, és a kiállítást még egy hónapig megnézhetitek.Gyertek, gyertek!21-én várunk titeket 11-kor és 3-kor kezdődő gyerekfoglalkozásokra. Jelentkezzetek a kávézóban, vagy írjatok nekik emilt…